Social Media and Communications
Course Description: This is a two-semester project-based course that enhances technology skills, job search and employability skills along with communication skills. Students will create an online electronic career portfolio focused on an individual career path, create social media and viral marketing campaigns, participate in video conferencing, cloud-based collaboration, and learn and practice other workplace related communication technologies and channels. Students will apply verbal and non-verbal communication skills related to both spoken and written communications; technology will be used to enhance these skills. Productivity programs and apps will be used to teach time management, organization and collaboration skills, cloud storage and computing. Students will also create career-related documents according to professional layout and design principles, and will also learn the photo and video editing skills needed to create promotional and informational business communications and viral marketing campaigns.
Students will be completing coursework and assignments online using www.icevonline. They will also be completing training using HubSpot coursework in InBound Methodology and Inbound Marketing. Once students have completed these courses they will test to receive the certification.